Wednesday, September 20, 2006

give freedom a chance

I'm trying. It's true.

I desire to surrender my will to the Fantastic.
I plan to be spontaneous in my actions of love.
I request a wisdom and grace that are not my own.
I would like to forget who I was, and even where I have been.
All is new. I have been lost in Him, and I pray that *I* never emerge again.

Father God, tap the potential you see in me. Move me beyond myself and my desires. Take my heart and make is pure. Be my first thought each morning, and my last each night. Fill my days with your joy and your peace. You are. That's more that I could ever need.

Thank you for showing up right where I wasn't looking. Thanks for being a God of surprise and awe and wonder.

For one moment in my life, I would give everything I am, everything I could dream to be to have one person look at me and only see you.

Please restore my fire. Show me your blueprints, and give me your dreams.

I think we are ready.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Sometime I have a peace, like I know some marvelous secret. It fills my very soul with joy and I fell as though I may burst out and giggle for no reason. Some nights when I lay my head on the pillows before I fall asleep I realize my cheeks are actually sore from smiling. My dreams are filled with hope and revelation, and my soul is free. These are the days that I know Him, my prince who adores me. Who gives all to know me. Some girls dream of a knight in shining armour, I realize that I already have mine.

I am inspired to live dangerously, love recklessly and laugh excessively. My life is enchanted, and I am the princess in the land of splendor and freedom.

Praise Him for everything. He asks for no less.