Friday, June 30, 2006

and the paradigm keeps shifting

I thought I had it all figured out. And then God spoke to my heart:

Beloved, do you not remember my words? Have you forgotten that I have a plan? You have stepped aside from the path I have made for you. You have never walked alone. You seek comfort in the hands of men, and you forget that I loved you first. Take hold of MY hands, and let ME see your heart. You were created in my image, beautiful among queens. You are my princess, and it is YOU that I died to save. Come away with me, to a place that I can fill your heart, and soul, and mind. Depend on me for strength. All that you need, I am.

Father, make me steadfast and true. Take away my guilt and shame, and make me free in you... Thank you for NEVER letting me go...

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